The Global Security Qualifications Group Ltd [GSQ group] originally named Praesum Ltd. has been conceived and modelled from that of a sole trader in 2013, to a private limited company in 2016 [Praesum Ltd] evolving finally as a group of companies in 2017, with each metamorphic transition being moulded from extensive research, an identified need and compliance with good corporate governance. This extensive research identified a real global need for a fully regulated, approved, progressive and structured personal development Qualification Matrix in specialist security teaching and training that can deliver both practical methodology and sector specific high-level academia, supported and delivered through a bespoke structure of governance and credible compliant companies, each with their own environmental and unique specialist knowledge of the Global Specialist Security Industry.
The demand for this training Globally is across both the private and public security sectors, identified through the past extensive “in theatre experience” of the Company Principals and training/teaching personnel during the 30 years of the “troubles in Northern Ireland” and the challenges of delivering the subsequent Peace Process. The enlightenment of this identified demand manifested itself into a lengthy structured development of a specialist qualification matrix designed specifically to offer a comprehensive yet flexible suite of qualifications that can be tailored to individual, corporate or national requirements. The Praesum Qualifications Matrix as originally branded is unique as the qualifications combine the practical world of training with the academic world of learning through research in the specialist security sphere. The Praesum Qualification Matrix encompasses an identified progression pathway in each subject matter discipline from level 2 through to Masters Level. The Qualifications are greatly enhanced through Specialist Subject Matter Lecturers, teachers and University Academics, who support and assess the standards of the Qualifications during delivery.
To meet the complex demands of a wide specialist security sphere the Praesum Qualifications were developed in a modular choice format covering the various specialist disciplines. These are built on a series of cognate units to provide a flexible and standard setting internationally acceptable specialist Regulated Qualifications. To support this development and following discussions and advice from the Government Regulatory Body for Vocational Education the CCEA, the company decided, due to the volume of Qualifications created, that it was necessary to apply to become an Approved Awarding Organisation for Qualifications awarded from Level 2 to Level 7. This necessitated the transformation of Praesum Ltd into The Global Security Qualifications Group Ltd and the incorporation in November 2017 firstly of N.I. Security Qualifications Ltd [NISQ] a new independent conceptual company to be developed from conseption into an Independant Awarding Organisation, which would award under its own brand NISQ Qualifications the Praesum Programme Matrix from level 2 to level 7 and secondly PraesumNI Ltd [PNI] an Independently Managed and Regulated Training Company, each company with their own unique and governance identity. This transformation was structured and mapped, allowing each new company to develop with strong governance, integrity and transparency, removing any conflict of interests that may possibly be envisaged.
The Parent company GSQ group Ltd. progressed this transformation in early 2018 with the internal addition of Praesum Athenaeum [PA], an internal department within the parent company within which are the Praesum Programmes, their IP and the physical and virtual Praesum library.
The culmination of this transformation was the successful approval on 01 September 2019 by the regulator, CCEA Regulation [Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment] acting on behalf of the Department of Eduction [DE] and the Department for the Economy [DfE] for Northern Ireland, to approve N.I. Security Qualifications ltd [NISQ] to be an Awarding Organisation [AO] for Specialised Security Qualifications.
By continuing to follow a structured business plan covering several key phases of development the GSQ group can make clear and better-informed decisions, to achieve goals that will set new standards in the delivery, content and accredited value of specialist security training.